This is a part time freelance Event Production Assistant role for our Marriage Proposal Events company providing 6-21 hours per week. This is a part-time on-site Event Production Assistant Coordinator role, your direct supervisor is the on-site Event Lead Coordinator. You will help set up the decor for an event, curate the client experience during the event, and pack out the decor after the event is over. During the 1 hour with the client, a professional photographer will capture the moment and the on-site lead/assistant is responsible for attending to client needs and recording behind-the-scenes content, creating the bouquet/giftbag, and facilitating a "champagne pop/spray" photo- op for the client. • Greeting clients • Record behind-the-scenes content on a phone to capture client's reaction and upload it to our drive • Client experience driven - bring EE energy and a high level of hospitality - be the client's hype man - this is a special day for them!
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